A Few Days Till My Bday!

If there is ever a time that we reflect, it’s usually a few days before your bday or on the day of itself. I am a bit strange when it comes to my birthdays. I am notorious for going M.I.A, turning off my phone, buying a bottle of anything with a good alcohol percentage and I take that day to just think.

This year, I turn 32. It has by far been the greatest year of my existence and that’s because so many things happened. I can’t even believe the year has flown by this quickly. It was just the other day that I was celebrating my birthday and my younger brother, who is born a day before me, was celebrating his 19th.

As December 10th approaches, I just can’t help but notice how different this year was for me and really contemplate, all of the things that went into making this year vastly different from my previous years.

You go through so much in life that at some point, you gotta say enough is enough. I have become so accustomed to shit going wrong, that by the time the end of the year was rolling around, I just wanted to curl up in a corner and no longer face the world.

But not this year! This year, I am highly motivated and energized. There have been so many opportunities and changes that I had to cope with, both good and bad, but I am finally ending this year off on a positive note.

What changed, as cliche as this is going to sound, was my mindset. It started with a book, which lead to ideas, which turned into shifts in my attitude and train of thought.  Have you ever heard of Neuroplasticity? I may not be the best person to break it down, but it’s about re-wiring your brain and our thoughts, feelings, emotions that are attached to concepts, situations we go through. (Google it or look up, Dr Joe Dispeza’s definition for a clear understanding).

This concept is so important because its all about re-wiring our brain for better and healthier thought processes. I needed to take time and get clear on who I wanted to be, what would make me happy, what are my joys and learn to be more grateful and not let everything, person or situation get to me.

The moment I started to become more grateful and do the things that made me happy. It really changed my outlook and attitude towards life. In reading more, and making more subtle changes, I started to see opportunities pop up out of seemingly nowhere.

And because I have always been a risk taker, I have just been going after all of these opportunities, seeing where they lead. I don’t know what 2019 is going to look like.

But as my 32nd birthday approaches, I can’t help but just be grateful that I am alive, that I have the opportunity to make a positive change in my life and others, that I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth (Trinidad & Tobago), that I will not be seeing any snow, that I am becoming more self-aware little by little and see what I need to do, to continue to grow as a human.

It’s 10:37 pm, I am in my bed and was having these random thoughts. I thought this would probably be better if I just decided to write it out. Blogging has been really therapeutic for me, and I have gotten so many messages about what I have talked about so far.

I am grateful to everyone who has reached out, and I hope we can continue to grow together.

Level 32 fast approaches for me, wish me luck in the comments below.

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