My First Failed Deal

When I started building Droid Island, my goal was pretty simple. Educate the Caribbean region on mobile technology. That was all! Starting out, I would of never have imagined where this would all lead too. Meeting all the people I have met and working with various companies was never apart of my plans. Fast forward to today and I have experienced my first failed attempt at a brand ambassador deal.

This was something I was contacted about since 2017 and I spent most of 2018 on and off with Bmobile, trying to bring me on board, it almost happened too. In the end, details over intellectual property rights essentially derailed it. It’s all love, but there are lessons I have learned along the way and there is a bit of disappointment, I can’t lie.

Going back to why I started Droid Island in the first place, my goal was always about educating the Caribbean region on smartphone technology. Smartphones have an increasingly growing role in our society and because of the various applications of our phones, there is much-needed education that follows. If you are in Trinidad & Tobago, you will know that walking into a Digicel or Bmobile store is one of the worst things you can do if you are looking to learn anything about the technology, as most of these reps are simply not trained.

With Bmobile, we had some pretty big plans in order to create content, build a platform for tech entrepreneurs, look at various mediums to reach T&T and beyond and create conversations around tech that will ultimately help the masses become more tech savvy. That’s really where my disappointment is at.

Anybody who has had a conversation with me for 5 min knows just how passionate I am about technology and how it can help our region become more self-reliant. As an entrepreneur, there are many ups and downs, and I think everybody always remembers the first big deal they either signed off on or the one that fell through cracks at the last minute.

So this was my first failed big deal…lol. I love what I do and I create content and educate on platforms, regardless of whether I get paid or not. I have a love for people and seeing people take control of their lives is fulfilling to me. I love tech and I am always amazed at what we as humans can create. Being able to mesh my love for the Caribbean and technology is something that pushes me every day, it’s the struggle I choose to endure, regardless of how tall the task is of getting Caribbean people to be more tech savvy.

So what’s next for Mr Droid you might ask if you aren’t going to be creating tech content with Bmobile, what are you going to do now? Well…the marathon doesn’t stop. I started a workshop series called “Into The Digital Age”, helping entrepreneurs discover their passions and how to build their businesses online and build authority, here in the Caribbean. Droid Island is also still alive and well, so I will continue to educate on mobile tech!

I thought I would wait for the official graphics and announcements to come out before I said anything but chances are if you have read this far, It’s only fitting that I let you know first. Even though one deal has failed, another one starts. The “Into The Digital Age” workshop series has found a new partner…*drum roll*…Myself & Cassia will be bringing our series to UWI-Roytec, with our first workshop happening in June.

The reality is, when you are doing good work, with the right intentions, setbacks will happen but nothing stops the comeback. There are far too many opportunities out here, the only thing we need to do consistently, is create them. I want to tell you how the UWI-Roytec partnership came about, but I’ll save that for another day. Until then, if you are following me on this journey, remember to keep creating your own magic.


  1. Tamika May 28, 2019at12:50 pm

    Really great article Keron! Oftentimes as entrepreneurs when things fall through we sometimes feel so crestfallen that it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


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