Upcoming Workshops

The very first “Create Series” of workshops was a success. The feedback was great, I enjoyed putting it together and most importantly, It’s been great to see people implement the things we talked about.

If you have been following me for a little while you will know by now that I am a very practical person. My goal is to continue to push you and show you the tools needed to build a digital business.

I wanted to keep the momentum going and get some feedback from you guys & gals. I am ready to start putting together the next workshop, which will happen in August (date to be confirmed) but wanted to know which workshop you would be interested in the most for next month.

So let me know what you will be interested in.

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  1. Rori July 27, 2019at12:43 pm

    I would like content creation and how to find your niche. Perhaps one workshop covering both topics?


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