Should Employer’s Push For Entrepreneurship?

Should employer’s push for entrepreneurship amongst their staff? Huh, what? Sounds extremely counter-intuitive, doesn’t? That’s because it is! We all know our employers typically want us focused on doing the jobs they hired us for, anything else is simply a distraction for them.

We all know that trading hours for dollars is the least productive way to earn revenue. Not unless you are HIGHLY paid for those hours. In 2019, there have never been so many ways to earn revenue and now with the help of technology, you don’t even need to leave your house to participate in the global economy.

But as we know, the cost of living is increasing globally and in some parts of the world, at a much higher rate. The only thing not increasing is wages (don’t you dare tell me about your $1.00 raise either).

The reality is that getting by on 1 income stream will continue to get harder and harder, yet your employers will only demand more from you as they need to hit their numbers and continue pushing for their economic growth.

Getting a part-time job gets harder as well, as some companies no longer need a bigger labour force and are slimming down. Your day job probably won’t give you the flexibility needed to work a part-time job either.

This is 1 of the reasons why I am so big on building those digital skills because you are going to have to find your own time to make that extra income. If you can do it from home and still manage to be around the family even better.

Would This Benefit Employers?

Let’s keep it funky. Not everyone wants to be a full-time entrepreneur, nor is everybody cut out for that life. However, everybody wants to earn a little extra money.

A worker whose coming into their day job who isn’t stressed will work harder and the benefit for the company is better productivity. This will also transfer over to a better experience for customers and most importantly, it will help in keeping employees who actually want to be at your organization.

One of the biggest reasons companies here in the Caribbean struggle to have a positive image in the public is you employ a high percentage of people who do not want to work for you but feel as if they have no choice.

When you get into your job today, ask 3 people if they really enjoy working at the company or is this role just a paycheck. I can almost guarantee that 2 of the 3 people are just waiting until they can find something better and really don’t want to be there.

If employers encouraged people to learn skills or even encouraged having a side business. They may start to build more loyalty with the company amongst employees.

Figuring out how to help your employees earn extra income will allow them to stop thinking about ways to cheat the system, but also knowing that they are being encouraged to have a side gig will help build morale.

Some companies right here in Trinidad, want you to seek company approval before you are allowed to have a side business (That’s insane!!!!). What do you think happens to a workers psyche, when he feels like he has to hide from earning extra money to feed his family!

Getting a raise within a company is a long and tedious process, that needs to be backed up by countless amount of facts to support why you should get a raise. To be honest, I couldn’t care about getting a raise within a company’s structure. They will never pay your worth and that’s fine, once I am able to earn revenue elsewhere without having to hide.

Now, this is a topic I do not have all the answers for but I know it’s a conversation that needs to be had within more organizations.

For me, having started a 9-5 gig and still running my online businesses, I know that I am not stressing over money because everything I am doing is complimenting each other and I am now in a position to take my earned income and invest it into my passive streams.

I am mentally more locked in because now I am not in a job because I need to stay afloat but I am there with a much clearer head.

If employees helped or encouraged the side business, it can help with team morale, productivity and finally get employees to come to work with a little more pride, knowing that they choose to be in your organization not for the money but because it’s their choice.

So what do you think, should employers encourage employees to have a side business? Let me know in the comments below.

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