“Be Careful”, has become somewhat of an Anti-Slogan for me. Whenever somebody says it, it’s like I know they mean well, but they don’t understand what those two words do for me.
You see, those words rub me the wrong way, as it signals to me that I need to hold back or stay in a safe place, don’t do to much or go outside. Being careful smells like I need to be very risk averse, that I shouldn’t try new things or put myself out there.
“Better to be reckless than careful.
Better to be bold than safe.
Better to have your work seen and remembered, or you’ve struck out.”
George Lois
Everyday I realize more & more the importance of surrounding yourself with like minded people. When you have great ideas, that can move you forward, the wrong crowd could talk you out of it by telling you all the ways it wont work, simply because it’s just not something they would do.
The right people will help you figure out all the ways to make the idea work & test it, to ensure success.
I have different attitude towards my life & my work. I will take risks, if my heart is in it, and if I feel like it’s the right thing to do. I know how the cycle works, the on lookers wont have much good to say, until they see that I have found success or be the first to tell me “I told you so”, if I fail.
In the act of creativty, being careful means sameness and mediocrity, which can lead to your work being invisible. As an agent of change, this is just something that I can’t afford happen.
Fortunes favor the bold and in order for us to push the Caribbean forward, there can be no time for holding back, I will not “be careful“.
I was really impressed when I read your blog. This is great stuff! Keep up the good work. God bless